The College of Exploration is a global learning network. We work with partners around the world on innovative and exploratory learning programs about our environment, the earth, the ocean, technology, leadership, learning and creativity. We are organized as a collegium concerned with programs about our understanding of, and our relationships with and between, our inner and outer worlds.
The College of Exploration is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia USA as a not for profit with 501c3 status with the US Internal Revenue Service. We co-explore with a range of partners to produce and offer educational and research programs. Since 1991 TCOE has partnered in a wide range of innovative education events - both online and on-site. We believe in co-design, co-operation and collaborative projects!
The College of Exploration strives to provide learners of all ages and backgrounds with exciting online, and onsite opportunities to actively explore the world around them as well as their own responses to the world.
Throughout the year we offer a number of special events (e.g., courses, workshops and conferences) and on-going services (e.g., strategic planning, evaluation and assessment, curriculum support for teachers, forums for students, educators and researchers) all grouped under our various programs and projects.
The College of Exploration emphasizes exploring, mapping, learning, and creating. Our workshops, courses and online interactive learning utilize the latest technology and teaching methods to help create opportunities. Social interaction during our courses and workshops, with the power of live video webcasts and video on demand help allow teachers and students to learn these fundimental approaches.
- exploration and discovery
- a systems and cybernetics approach, holistic thinking and strategic mapping
- earth and ocean literacy
- the design, development and delivery of events and services that make innovative and ethical use of web-based educational technologies.
- individual and social transformative learning and change through the systemic and systematic integration of science, arts and humanities content and processes
- support for constructivist inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning environments and communities of practice
- global reach and inclusion
- co-design
To connect people by co-exploring and collaboratively learning about themselves and their environment using technology.